Love Lanyadoo Astrology 01.17-23.2018



As we take a step into weird and wonderful Aquarius Season (both the Sun and Venus enter air sign Aquarius this week), the thing to remember is this very moment. Aquarius is a sign that concerns us with the future, which is an excellent thing as long as you’re not avoiding the present. These vibes can get really theoretical; prioritizing ideals of humanity without all the messiness of dealing with actual humans is the downside of Aquarius. Make sure you aren’t weaving ideas about the world that you aren’t willing to test out in the world. This is an excellent time for collaboration for common goals; where Leo wants to shine all on her own, the light of Aquarius burns brightest when it falls on everyone. Aquarius season is a great time to investigate your beliefs by actually living them out. Connect with people you don’t usually meet with, and be open to difference. You don’t have to be in agreement with others in order to be on the same team. Explore the potential of your ego by deemphasizing it. Look outside of your personal concerns to explore the needs of your community, whatever that looks like for you.

The 23rd is day one of Mercury meeting Pluto in rigid Capricorn. This transit will last until the 25th, and it’s one to watch out for; Mercury governs your mind, friendships, and communication in general, while Pluto is compulsive, intense, and has serious abandonment issues. You may find that you’re caught up in an obsessive line of thought, feeling paranoid, or that your abandonment issues are extra sensitive, or you may have to deal with someone else who's going through it. This is a great time to seek insight and healing, but there are some pitfalls to avoid. If you find yourself seeking to blame yourself or others, you’re on the wrong track. Negative thinking will only lead to more negativity, so if you’re feeling really down and you can’t get up, seek neutral ground. This isn’t the time to try to control situations, feelings, or people; all you need to do is find the truth of your feelings about them, not to make them something different. Seek to improve the relationship you have with yourself today (and every day), my love.





March 21-April 19

It’s important that you communicate, Aries. You’re likely to be stuck on some pretty frustrating feelings, and if you neglect to share what’s happening for you with others, they’re bound to take it personally. You don’t need to get into details or get too involved, but what you omit is communicating more than you might intend it to this week. Share yourself, even when it’s difficult. You may be surprised at the amount of support you have available to you, my love.

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April 20-May 20

Letting go is hard to do, but it’s absolutely worth it. We move into Aquarius season this week, and this can be an uncomfortable time for you, Taurus. Don’t try to hold on tight in the face of change, but try not to abandon yourself when your feels get complicated either. Strive to find a way to flow with your circumstances by being kind to yourself, wherever you’re at in your process. You can for sure get where you want to go; just make sure that when you get there, you feel good in your own skin.

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May 21-June 21

There are always more than two options, but when you’re blocked, it’s hardest to see that. You may be tempted to give up and walk away this week, but that’s not your best move. You need to pace yourself, creating balance between your obligations and your passions, your personal life and your goals. Don’t worry so much about the future; all you can make sure of is that you are acting in ways that support you and your life in the present moment, Twin Star.

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June 22-July 22

Don’t rush into the future so much that you abandon the present. Likewise, don't resist the truth of how things are because you wish they were different. Struggle against adversity, repression, and dead-end pathways, but don’t struggle against the truth, Moonchild. Acceptance is not consent; it’s awareness. Be present for how things are in the here and now so that you can act in the most constructive ways possible this week.

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July 23-Aug. 22

Let’s talk about courage, Leo. According to Brene Brown, “Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant ‘To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart.’” Now is the time for you to act on the contents of your heart, even if your fears are telling you otherwise. Make choices that allow you to feel right in your own skin so that you can gracefully grow into the person you intend to be, my love.

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Aug. 23-Sept. 22

There is no perfection, no immaculate idea, and no infallible plan. There’s just life, messy, complicated, unpredictable life. Instead of seeking someone or thing that can tell you all the answers, try to find willingness to just be where you’re at, Virgo. Being in the middle of things doesn’t mean that there’s no end in sight – only that you can’t see it yet. This is a bad time to drop connection to your vision to focus on obstacles. Stay aligned with your plans, and you’ll do great, this week.

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Sept. 23-Oct. 22

When it all feels like too much, you don’t need to force yourself to put on a brave face, Libra. How you care for yourself is foundational to the options you see, the choices you make, and the attitudes you hold towards life in general. This is not a time to crumble in the face of adversity, but you don’t have to power through, either. Make adjustments that reflect the needs of your heart as well as your commitments. You don’t have to be anywhere but where you’re at, my love.

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Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Don’t be a bully, Scorpio. If you can’t be a good friend to yourself, you’re missing out on one of the greatest relationships of your life. Spend some time in a little place called me this week. Honor your gifts and hard work, show up with gratitude, and do it all without checking over your shoulder to see if something bad is coming for you. Handle fear and stress with the love and patience that you deserve; be the very friend you need this week, my love.

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Nov. 22-Dec. 21

This week is an excellent time for confronting problems, but if you’re not careful, you’ll create more by evading them. FOMO will get you if you let it, ‘Tarius. Beware of the impulse to add a bunch more stuff to your plate when what you really need to do is manage what you already have going on. If you get a chance to take on something new, make sure that it won’t come at the expense of what you’ve already initiated, even if that thing is a pain to deal with.

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Dec. 22-Jan. 19

You’re so capable that you could easily create your fears and worst-case scenarios without breaking a sweat, Capricorn. Obsession and repetitive thought or action is pretty much like prayer; make sure that you’re not praying at the altar of your fears and investing your precious energy into what you don’t want. Avoid looking for how things are likely to go wrong. Commit to seeking the creative potential in your life, and you’re much more likely to find it.

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Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Think of this week as your chance to work on integration, Aquarius. Your feelings can’t be ignored, but they shouldn’t overshadow your plans. If you’re struggling with indecision or acceptance, it’s time to clarify what you’re doing and why. If you slip into your scattered and reactive behavior, you’ll find yourself seeking validation in the eyes of others instead of yourself. The whole truth can’t hurt you – it’ll only help you to move on, my love.

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Feb. 19-March 20

You don’t need to convince anyone that what you’re doing is valid. You don’t need permission, and you don’t need an audience. All you need is you, Pisces. When you’re going through deep healing or meaningful change, loneliness and fear are a part of the process. It’s healthy and normal to feel bad, you just don’t want to make decisions from that place. Stay aligned with the truth of what you’re doing, no matter how compelling your distractions are this week.

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